How Leaky Pipes Spoil Your Drinking Water - and How a Filter Will Help

It's estimated that up to a fifth of the UK's water supply is wasted through badly maintained, leaking pipes, adding up to over a trillion litres per year across the whole distribution network. And while this figure represents a shocking waste of water, especially in these times of increasing shortages year by year, it can also mean something else that's hugely undesirable for millions of ordinary UK households. Here's why you should be concerned.

Leaky Pipes Cause Water Contamination

Leaking pipes can also mean the water coming out of your tap is contaminated by all kinds of impurities, some of them potentially dangerous to your health. How does this happen? If there's a drop in pressure in the pipe, caused by increased usage downstream, leaked water from around the damaged pipe will be sucked back in, along with any contaminants it's picked up in the meantime.

These impurities can be anything from ordinary soil and dirt right up to animal or human faeces, or even bacteria, viruses, or parasites, depending on exactly where the leak occurred, and how long it's been left unrepaired. And if the leak is between the treatment centre and your home, all of this will end up coming through your tap, at best making your water less pleasant to drink, and at worst creating serious risks to the health of you and your family.

Water Filters to the Rescue

RO Water Filter

You can't do much about the leakage caused by privately owned water companies, but you can reduce the effects their actions (or lack of them) can have on your home's water supply. Fitting a water filtration system will clear away all kinds of impurities and contaminants before the water reaches your taps or appliances, safeguarding your health and ensuring your water stays at the highest quality.

And the good news is, there's no need to spend a fortune on a filtration system. Domestic water filters are highly affordable, whether you want to treat a few tens of litres of drinking water each day or filter your entire supply for complete peace of mind.

Our Recommendations:Top Domestic Water Filters

The Eco 315 RO Drinking Water Filter delivers the best quality water for drinking in an easy and economical way. The pure water is stored in a tank under your kitchen sink, for use at any time. The system effectively remove approximately 95% of contaminants: chlorine, lead, fluorides, bacteria and viruses, and unpleasant tastes and odours. The system operates on mains water pressure using a semi-permeable membrane. This rejects impurities and washes them down the drain.

The Direct Flow 800 is the RO (REverse Osmosis) filter, which is also able to remove 95% of contaminants, delivering high quality fresh tasting drinking water. The system utiilises the very latest membrane technology to produce pure drinking water on demand at a flow of 2 litres per minute. This filter monitors and displays feed water quality, as well as the purity of the drinking water in real time.

Contact us for an advice on the best water filter for your home, or to get a Quick Quote today.